100 new tourist destinations - eKohalpur

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Monday, July 30, 2018

100 new tourist destinations


The government has identified five criteria for the identification and development of 100 new tourist destinations in the country. The criteria were selected following a discussion among representatives of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, the Nepal Tourism Board and other tourism stakeholders, says Ghanshyam Upad­hyaya, joint-secretary at the ministry. In selecting the tourist destinations, heritage sites that are at least 100 years old will be prioritized as the ministry believes that these sites will have an easier time getting global recognition. “Nepal is known across the world for its heritage and cultural sites and the government plans to preserve and pro­mote these places,” says Upadhyaya. Similarly, another criteria is presence of lakes, ponds or water bodies spread over five square kilometers.

Further, popular tourist destinations which lack physical infrastructure will also be promoted. At present, the Khap­tad and Bardiya national reserves are popular tourist destinations that none­theless are short of physical infrastruc­tures like good hotels and lodges.

Tourist destinations for which devel­opment plans and blueprints are ready will also identified in the list of 100, according to Upadhyaya. The govern­ment will use the Public Private Partner­ship (PPP) model to develop infrastruc­tures of select destinations and to link different tourist spots.

The central government will be coor­dinating with the local and provincial bodies for the job. From among the tour­ist spots identified by the government as well as by the private stakeholders, 100 will be selected and developed. The gov­ernment has allocated Rs 500 million in 2018-2019 for the effort. The current plan is a part of the government’s ambi­tious project of attracting two million tourists in 2020. The government also plans to make tourism industry capable of contributing 25 percent of the GDP by 2025. Right now tourism makes up for 9 percent of the GDP.

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